I encourage you to take time
and think about giving the gift of “yourself”
instead of just another item that gets tucked away.

Think about an experience of some kind
that will be a beautiful memory,
or perhaps a gift that helps create
a positive change in someone’s life.

I found positive change, and a sense of joy
for all seasons of the year, in the KonMari Method
of tidying and decluttering.

Every season, even Winter, represents an opportunity
to make a fresh start. If a KonMari journey
might be in your future, please reach out
to discuss the many possibilities or to just ask questions.

christine@sageofinteriorsllc.com    ✨    (203) 772-8883


Best wishes for a joyful holiday season!
~ Christine Thorn,
Sage of Interiors, LLC
Certified Silver KonMari Consultant