Certified Platinum KonMari consultant Christine Thorn of Connecticut presents informative, in-depth and entertaining talks and lectures on Marie Kondo and the KonMari Method™ of tidying and decluttering in venues throughout the state and beyond, ranging from libraries to professional and academic settings. Amid the coronavirus, she has been giving her presentations online with great response.
In presentations lasting 60 to 90 minutes, Thorn discusses and provides the following:
- Being inspired initially by Kondo’s best-selling book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” and being inspired anew in 2019 by Kondo’s hit Netflix series, “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo.”
- Studying with Marie Kondo’s team in New York City to earn her certification as a consultant.
- The life-changing benefits of the KonMari Method’s category-by-category system of tidying.
- How the KonMari Method™ focuses on keeping only those items which bring joy to your life rather than focusing on what needs to be eliminated.
- The importance of the fundamental KonMari question: Does this spark joy?
- Detailed explanations of the KonMari Method’s six steps and how the process works.
- Narratives and illustrations of transformations achieved in clients’ homes and the positive impact of those transformations.
- Thorn’s background helping people with their body, mind, and spirit as a Chiropractor, Reflexologist, Reiki Master Practitioner, and Acupuncturist.
- A question-and-answer period.
Those interested in booking Christine Thorn for a speaking engagement should fill out the form by clicking on the button below, or send an inquiry via email to [email protected]or Douglas P. Clement of Boardwalk Media + Communications at [email protected].
Here’s a June 2021 review from a Connecticut library program director:
Christine Thorn was an excellent presenter. She explained how the KonMari Method focuses only on those items which bring joy to your life, rather than what needs to be eliminated. The fundamental KonMari question is: Does this spark joy? She detailed the six-step process of the KonMari Method. She also demonstrated proper KonMari folding techniques, as well as showing examples of transformations achieved in her clients’ homes. Christine spoke with a calm and very clear voice. Her slides were expertly designed and visually pleasing. The program was very well received.
For the past 27 years, Christine Thorn has been helping people with their body, mind, and spirit as a Chiropractor, Reflexologist, Reiki Master Practitioner, and Acupuncturist. Her passion for helping others heal through their environment and home has grown to include creating a new look and feel within their living spaces—and that, in turn, helped launch her on her KonMari journey.
Prospective KonMari clients may contact Thorn via the website contact page, by email at: [email protected], or by phone at (203) 772-8883.
Inquiries about booking Christine Thorn for a speaking engagement should be sent by email to [email protected] or Douglas P. Clement of Boardwalk Media + Communications at [email protected].
All media inquiries or requests should be directed to Douglas P. Clement of Boardwalk Media + Communications at [email protected].

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